Squares Pools are the most basic sports pool ever devised. No studying, no skill, no strategy is needed. You don't even need a gambling sports service to give you odds on which square has a better chance of winning. This pool is all based on luck. Numbers are randomly assigned so don't overthink your square selection. The most popular squares pool is the Super Bowl Squares Pool, but these pools can be used for any NFL game. Each pool contains 10 rows and 10 columns of squares ("The Grid") that start off blank. When you want a square(s), put your name on any that are empty. Generally, there is a per-square fee, so make sure you can pay the fee for the claims you stake. The payout schedule needs to be established when the pool is set up as do the configuration options. The options available at Maximum Fantasy Sports are listed below.

When the grid is full or the event is about to begin, teams are randomly assigned along the horizontal and vertical axis and numbers from 0-9 are randomly assigned along the top of the columns and in front of each row. When the grid is set, you can see your numbers by finding your square(s) and looking at the team listed vertically and the number for the row your square is in, for example, the Chicago Bears and the number 4. Then, look to the team listed horizontally and the number for the column your square is in, for example, the Buffalo Bills and the number 6. At that point, you are rooting for the Bears to have a score at the end of the quarter/game that ends in 4, such as 14, 24, 34... (4 is possible but only in fantasy football do field goals get awarded four points so you need two safeties), and for the Bills to have a score at the end of the quarter/game that ends in 6, such as 6, 16, 26.... remember, it is only the last digit of the score for each team that counts.

If the quarter/game ends and the score matches your square, it's pay day! Now, there are some configuration options that allow for more than one square to get paid at the end of the quarter/game. The setting options and descriptions are listed below. If you have questions or would like a bit more info about these settings, make sure to visit our FAQ section.



Max Picks Per Team: This setting prevents one MFS userid from taking too many squares. The max is 100.    
Assign Numbers and Super Bowl Teams: The commissioner can trigger the MFS randomization routine to lock down the grid and assign the teams and numbers. If this option is not used, MFS will perform these tasks when the game starts.
Reset Numbers at End of Quarters: By default, teams keep the same teams/numbers for the whole game. Enabling this setting will cause MFS to create 4 separate grids (or 5 if OT is used) - one for each quarter and randomly assign different numbers for each quarter. This is commonly used to prevent a team from having the same "bad" numbers for the whole game.
Rollover if quarter ends on empty square: In the case that the pool collects and distributes cash, this setting facilitates awarding a payout for an empty square (if the grid is not full). This setting will award the winnings to the winner of the next quarter.
If game ends on an empty square: This is tied to the setting above. If the final score is a empty square, it is not fair to let the Commissioner keep the winnings. So, MFS provides the following options should this situation arise:
 - Assign To Previous Quarter Winner
 - Split Evenly Between Touching Squares
 - Add 1 to Each Number and Award to Matching Square
 - Subtract 1 to Each Number and Award to Matching Square
 - Add 1 to One Team and Subtract 1 from the Other, Award to Matching Square
Separate OT Period: By default, no OT period is assigned. So, if a game goes into OT, the 4th quarter period is extended and the winnings are awarded to the game final. If the setting is enabled, the Overtime period has its own payout and a separate grid is created for OT if the Reset Numbers at End of Quarters setting is enabled. If the game does not go into OT, the winnings are awarded to the winner of the 4th quarter.
Payout Schedule: Options are presented to assign payout amounts for each of the four quarters and OT, if enabled. Additionally, options are presented for the same periods to award payout for Reverse numbers.