Questions about MFS Features

Q: Can you explain "In-game changes"?

Q: If you choose In-Game Changes Allowed By Half, do you have to use it all season long?

Q: Does Maximum Fantasy Sports pay out cash prizes?

Q: Please explain "Bye Week Rollover"?

Q: How does the Team QB position work?

Q: What Flex/Swing positions do you offer?

Q: How can we trade draft positions?

Q: What is the League Average and how does it work?

Q: Can we send money to the Commissioner within our pool using PayPal for our league fees?


Q: Can you explain "In-game changes"?
A: This is a configuration option. When the Commissioner sets the league up, he is able to choose from No Changes Allowed, Changes Allowed By Quarter or Changes Allowed By Half. If Changes are Allowed, any team will be able to make changes for unplayed periods during the game. For example, if your league allows Changes By Half. This means that each position and each player has two "periods". If you start C. J. Anderson of the Denver Broncos at RB at 1pm EST in one of your RB-eligible slots, his first period and that position's first period are now locked in and cannot be changed. However, if Anderson were to get pulled or hurt in the second quarter, you could use that last available period for that starting position to play another player's unplayed period. If you had RB Montee Ball, you could play his second half period. Or, you could play another RB's first or second half period if they have not played yet. You are not required to play a first and a second half of a player's game, excluding Defenses. A Defense starting slot must be full. Each position's period is independent. You are required to play unlocked, unplayed periods. Quarter changes work identically, except that each player and position has four periods.

Q: If you choose In-Game Changes Allowed By Half, do you have to use it all season long?
A: No, you don't. This is one option that can start at a certain week during the season. What tends to be very popular is to have this option start on the same week as the Fantasy League playoffs. So, you could choose In-game Changes Allowed By Half starting in week 14, for example. For the first 13 weeks, no In-game changes would be allowed. Starting in Week 14, your Team Home Page would have a new link on it called "Game Roster". This is where you would now fill in starting players' periods for each half.

Q: Does Maximum Fantasy Sports pay out cash prizes?
A: We are able to run Public Fantasy Football Leagues that pay out cash prizes. We offer a variety of public league types with different configuration to give you the game you want at the price you want to pay; from season-long high-dollar Public Expert Leagues
, to low-dollar season-long Public leagues to variety of short term leagues as well; such as Daily and Weekly Fantasy Football leagues. In Private Fantasy leagues and Pools, MFS can track finances for you but we cannot collect and distribute your own separate pool of kick-ins. We allow you to assign a separate fee for your own entry fee as well as a variety of transaction fees and we manage the balance of each team in the league. We provide a mechanism to the Commissioner for adjusting that balance if payment is collected or winnings distributed. We need to stay out of the exchanging of additional monies collected and distributed within your own Private Leagues. We do allow the Commissioner to configure the league to accept payment through PayPal from the Finances page. We provide the gateway service for free, though PayPal does expect a fee to be paid by the sender or receiver.

Q: Please explain "Bye Week Rollover"?
A: This option must be turned on by the Commissioner before the season starts. If the option is enabled, MFS will look ahead one week on the schedule to see if a team's players have an upcoming Bye week. If so, a checkbox will appear next to the player on the Team Home page the week prior to their Bye week. Should you choose to "roll over" that player's points, the player must be slotted in a starting position and the checkbox selected for Bye Week Rollover to be turned on for that player. Once that player's game starts, the starting slot for that week and the next, as well as the checkbox, are converted to Display only and cannot be changed on either week. During this time period, if the player is dropped or traded, the move will not take effect until the week following his Bye week.

Q: How does the Team QB position work?
A: You will draft an individual team's QB position and will receive stats for the entire game, no matter who is playing QB for that team. This is especially helpful in platoon situations, injuries or the end-of-season benching of QBs on teams that have clinched a playoff berth. You will not have a true NFL player on your team. The player name will be the team name, such as, "C. Bears (CHI-QT)".

Q: What Flex/Swing positions do you offer?
A: We have hybrid starting positions for WR/TE and RB/WR (allowing either position to occupy that starting slot), XP (allowing any position on the roster to occupy that starting slot) and OP (allowing any offensive player (QB, RB, WR, TE) to occupy that starting slot).

Q: How can we trade draft positions?
A: After the draft order has been set, players must negotiate their draft trade manually. The main limitation to the process is that you cannot emulate Mike Ditka and trade your entire draft for the rights to one player. You must maintain a draft pick in each round. So, you can trade, for example (in a 12-team league), picks 11 and 14 for picks 3 and 22. If the trade is approved by the Commissioner, the Commissioner can use a tool called "Trade Draft Positions" found on the League Home Page in the Draft Notice box to perform the swap prior to the draft room being opened.

Q: What is the League Average and how does it work?
A: The League Average is an optional configuration option used in Head-to-Head fantasy football leagues. When it is employed, each team plays two games per week; one against a league opponent and one against the League Average. The League Average is not a team and it does not have any players. The League Average gets its team score by averaging the score of each team in the league. So, each team will receive two decisions per week.

Q: Can we send money to the Commissioner within our pool using PayPal for our league fees?
A: We have an API for payments through MFS to PayPal. We do not collect any fees. It is provided as a service to our members. The Commissioner will have to activate the service for your league and enter the PayPal address that the payment goes to and whether the sender or receiver will pay the fee, if PayPal issues any. On the League Fees page, a button will be displayed for the league members to use to trigger a payment. When we receive a successful acknowledgement from PayPal, we will automatically adjust the balance on the sender's account in your pool.