Questions about Keeper Leagues

Q: How are the Contract Years computed?

Q: How can I see the date that I acquired players on my team?

Q: What if a team has not dropped the required number of players by the time the Drop Deadline hits?

Q: How do I drop players from my team before the Drop Deadline?


Q: How are the Contract Years computed?
A: Since we only work with Years and they only matter at draft time, any player on your roster is assigned 1 contract year no matter when you acquire the player during the season. That means that a player picked up on the waiver wire in week 16 has the same service time on your team at the end of the year as a player that you have drafted.

Q: How can I see the date that I acquired players on my team?
A: On the main toolbar is a linked called Reports. You will find a report option called Keeper Player Mandatory Drop Dates that will list the acquisition date and the expected Drop Date.

Q: What if a team has not dropped the required number of players by the time the Lock Deadline hits?
A: When the Drop Deadline hits, we execute a process that checks to make sure that every team in the league has the appropriate number of players on their team. For example, if your league is configured for each team to hold 4 players over from the prior season, we will look for any team above 4 players. If any team is found, we will drop any player first that has exceeded their contract duration. So, if your Contract Years setting is for 5 years, any player that has been on the team for 5 years will be dropped. If the team is still over the maximum number of players allowed, we will begin dropping the lowest ranked players until the team is at the appropriate size. By lowest ranked, it means the player with the highest number. The best player in the NFL will be ranked number 1.

Q: How do I drop players from my team before the Drop Deadline?
A: Your Commissioner must renew your Keeper league for a new season before you can drop any players. After that occurs, you can go to your Team Home Page and select the Drop Players. Players will not be removed from your team at that time. They will be put into a holding pen that no one else will be able to see. Once the Drop Deadline hits, the players will be released from this holding area. This prevents team owners from deciding on their Keeper Players based on the executions of other teams. Everyone's players will be released at the same time.