Questions about Pick 'em Pools

Q: I am not clear what the Weekly Picks Are Optional configuration setting is. If I configure it to be No, what happens to the teams who miss the deadline to get picks in?

Q: We have set up our Pick 'em Pool to include point spreads. How do we enter them or are they entered by MFS each week?

Q: How do the default picks work in my Pick 'em Pool?

Q: What happens if the NFL game ends in a Tie (with or without the Spread)?

Q: How is the League Champion determined in my Pick 'em pool?

Q: When do the Drop Weeks begin being removed from the Season Standings and what is the criteria for selecting a Drop Week?

Q: If we set our Pick Lock Deadline to Wednesday, would the lines change after our picks are locked?

Q: My Pick 'em Pool charges $5 per week to participate, but picks are optional. Do you only update the amount owed for the weeks that they submit their picks?

Q: Our pick lock time is Sunday at 1pm EST. There is a Thursday night game this week. We pick 5 games per week in my pool. I’m not picking a team playing Thursday, so can I wait until Saturday to make my picks or do I have to have all my picks made by game time Thursday?

Q: I am in a Pick ‘em pool that has 10 mandatory games required to pick. Last week, someone ended up with a 10-2 record. How is that possible?


Q: I am not clear what the Weekly Picks Are Optional configuration setting is. If I configure it to be No, what happens to the teams who miss the deadline to get picks in?
A: No matter what the setting is for that option, MFS will use the setting from the Team Details on the Team Home Page for Default Picks if your pool is configured to use Autopicks. Then, if a team’s option is set to Autopick for them, MFS will make the picks for those teams at the deadline IF they have remaining Autopicks left. If No Defaults is selected, then that team receive zero points and all Losses for that week. If Weekly Picks Are Optional is set to Yes, then, in this situation, the team will have no entries in the pool for the week.

Q: We have set up our Pick 'em Pool to include point spreads. How do we enter them or are they entered by MFS each week?
A: MFS adds the point spreads each week. This is performed the weekend before the start of the season and each Tuesday night during the season. Occasionally, a major injury will occur that will prevent Las Vegas from setting a line initially for a game. We'll post the line as soon as it comes out. One of the pool settings is to lock all picks at the start of the first game so we will make sure all games have a line before the first game starts. If no line is available on Tuesday when the lines are first set, we'll note a delay in setting the real line by using 99 as the spread and the total and will put a message on the site Message Board. Leagues cannot use their own point spreads or alter the spreads posted by MFS.

Q: How do the default picks work in my Pick 'em Pool?
A: Default picks are only used when making weekly picks is mandatory. If so, then your Default Picks option is triggered then to pick the required number of games when the first game of the week starts, or the Lock Deadline, whichever comes first. If the picks do not lock at the first game of the week, you can always make changes to games that have not started yet.

Q: What happens if the NFL game ends in a Tie (with or without the Spread)?
A: The Commissioner determines how to handle Ties as part of the Pool configuration (found on the League Settings). The choices are to count the game as a Full Win, Half Win or a Loss. Additionally, there is a separate configuration option on Tie-handling for Double Play picks too.

Q: How is the League Champion determined in my Pick 'em pool?
A: The winner is determined by the highest Win percentage after all Drop Weeks are removed.

Q: When do the Drop Weeks begin being removed from the Season Standings and what is the criteria for selecting a Drop Week?
A: We like to get past the first few weeks of the season before removing teams' worst week(s) or the Season Standings would be empty. After the 5th week has been completed, your Season Standings will reflect the best records with the worst week(s) removed. Weeks are removed in a Pick 'em pool based on the worst winning percentage for each team.

Q: If we set our Pick Lock Deadline to Wednesday, would the lines change after our picks are locked?
A: Our lines do not fluctuate once we receive them. Our feed comes in late Tuesday night and stays at that spread. Your lock date is the date/time that a player can no longer choose a team in a matchup. I would recommend leaving that for later in the week. Even if you make the Lock Deadline Saturday at noon and a point spread has changed in Vegas by 3 points since Tuesday night, our line will not move from our feed Tuesday night. Plus, not all lines are ready Tuesday night. Vegas will not set a line right away for a matchup if a key player is questionable. You can count on having all lines in and entered by the first game of the week. Also, just to be clear, if your lock deadline occurs after a game has started or even finished, games prior to the deadline lock individually when they start.

Q: My Pick 'em Pool charges $5 per week to participate, but picks are optional. Do you only update the amount owed for the weeks that they submit their picks?
A: The amount owed by a team is updated for any week(s) that they have saved picks for or that autopicks have made picks and saved them for the team. A team can choose to have autopicks submit picks for them even if picks are optional. This setting is on the Team Details link on the Team Home Page. The amount owed is updated as soon as any picks are saved. So, if a team submits picks 3 weeks in advance, the amount owed reflects a charge for that week immediately.

Q: Our pick lock time is Sunday at 1pm EST. There is a Thursday night game this week. We pick 5 games per week in my pool. I’m not picking a team playing Thursday, so can I wait until Saturday to make my picks or do I have to have all my picks made by game time Thursday?
A: You can wait until Saturday, or even Sunday at 12:59pm EST, to make your picks, but the Autopick process will run when the first game of the week starts for those players who have Autopicks left and have not made all mandatory picks for the week. This is done in case the proper game to autopick, based on the teams’ autopick setting, is Thursday’s game. If the autopick does not choose Thursday‘s game, it still counts as an autopick and the available number of autopicks is decreased by 1. The Saturday or Sunday games that the autopick process selected do not lock until each game starts or the pick deadline has passed, so you can still change your picks for those games until the pick deadline or start of the game if prior to the pick deadline.

Q: I am in a Pick ‘em pool that has 10 mandatory games required to pick. Last week, someone ended up with a 10-2 record. How is that possible?
A: Your Pick ‘em Pool uses Double Plays. Double Plays allow you to weight games that you are more confident in. There are different settings for how Double Plays are applied. In your pool, Double Plays count as 2 games. When you mark a game as a Double Play, you are credited with two wins if the team covers and two losses if they don’t cover. You will want to check your League Settings to see what is the maximum number of Double Plays allowed is for your pool as that number will affect the overall maximum number of wins and losses for each week.