Questions about MFS Terminology

Q: What does "DFR" stand for? I have seen it listed on the Matchup report and in the ScoreZone under my defense.

Q: When I look at the Players page for available players, there are a variety of actions that I need explained to me.

Q: What is the difference between a "Move" and a "Transaction"?

Q: What does the phrase "Clearing Waivers" mean?


Q: What does "DFR" stand for? I have seen it listed on the Matchup report and in the ScoreZone under my defense.
A: "DFR" stands for Defensive Fumble Recovery. Since MFS offers so many scoring options, we have to abbreviate in some places and this abbreviation was the one we settled on after trying multiple variations.

Q: What does "Add" do when looking for available players on the Players page?
A: "Add" is used to indicate the Action that allows you to pick up a Free Agent. A Free Agent is an unowned player that can be picked up on a first-come-first-served basis. By clicking on the link for "Add", you start the acquisition process. If you have no available slot on your roster to Add the player, you will be asked to select a player to Drop to make room for your acquired Free Agent.

Q: What does "Watch" do when looking for available players on the Players page?
A: "Watch" just moves the player to a more precise player list attached to your team called a Watch List. Since the available player universe is quite large, this allows you to make a personalized list of players whose performance you wish to track, and possibly acquire, at a later date. The Watch List can be accessed by clicking on the link on your Team Home Page. Adding a player to your Watch List does not change the status of the player and no other team in the league can see your Watch List.

Q: What does "Claim" do when looking for available players on the Players page?
A: "Claim" appears when the player is on Waivers. For information on Waivers, please review the FAQ on Waivers and Waiver Processing. By clicking on "Claim", you are putting a "Waiver Claim" on the player. You may or may not be able to acquire the player. It depends on the type of Waiver processing your league is using, what your waiver status is and who else has placed a Claim on the player. By placing a Waiver Claim, you will be asked to drop a player. The player you select to Drop will not be dropped unless your Waiver Claim is processed and you have no room on your roster for the acquired player. Should another team be awarded the Waiver Claim during waiver processing, your claim will be deleted and the Drop player will remain on your roster.

Q: What is the difference between a "Move" and a "Transaction"?
A: Transactions and Moves both involve Add/Drops and Trades. However, Moves count the number of players involved and Transactions just count the action. For example, if a team adds a free agent and drops a player from their roster to make room for the free agent, that counts as one Transaction but two Moves. Trades are considered one Moves, regardless of how many players are involved.

Q: What does the phrase "Clearing Waivers" mean?
A: When Waiver Processing occurs, players that are not Claimed by any teams in the league, become Free Agents. The process of transitioning from Waiver status to Free Agent status is called "Clearing Waivers".